1. We believe in Loyalty to Government
We believe in government and appreciate our government and the opportunity of living under the protection of the same.
1. Be loyal to your country Sir, loyal sir.
1. We support the values and principles of the DCCS
Additional information about the DCCS can be found at the website www.dccsociety.org, and we encourage you to look at it.
2. We believe in God
We believe in God, but realize that this is not a necessary qualification in order to cooperate as brothers and sisters.
3. We believe in Cooperation
We believe that God expects all who are skilled in any lines, or have other qualities which are above the average, to be willing for all mankind to enjoy the fruits of these blessings, the same as God sends forth the rain on all, whether they be the just or the unjust.
4. We believe in Equality
We believe in equality of opportunity. All should have an equal chance in the pursuit of happiness. True equality consists in creating a condition where all can gain the desires of their hearts insofar as they do not hinder others in this same privilege.
5. We believe in Respect For All
We believe in treating our neighbors with respect regardless of their race, religion, creed or belief system.
7. We believe in Free Agency, Right to Choose
We believe that all individuals have the right to do whatever they choose as long as they do not force, suppress, restrain, deprive, jeopardize, or interfere with the rights of others; and that person who commit acts of this kind should be punished according to the law of the land in which they reside.
8. We believe in Peace
We pledge to promote international goodwill and strive for world peace. This is the long looked-for ideal condition known as the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have others do unto you). We believe this worth-while objective can be accomplished, and we embrace the principles that we believe can accomplish it. It is our absolute belief that Almighty God cannot, under any condition, be pleased with war and bloodshed, or with anyone engaged in the same; and that with the exception of unavoidable self-defense, or of defending the innocent, it is better for an individual to be killed rather than to kill.
9. We believe in the need for Police and Military
We believe police and military are necessary for the proper regulation of society, but believe the actions of those forces should be limited to defending the innocent. We believe that protection of the innocent is the only justifying principle for the creation and use of force, and such force should only be used to the point where the innocent are properly protected, and not beyond.
10. We believe in a Duty to Protect
Just as we have the freedom to associate, freedom of religion, and the freedom to act and believe according to our conscience, we must also protect these same freedoms for others to choose their own path whether it differs from our own beliefs or not.
The above beliefs are the foundation of our Mission Statement:
Our mission is...
2. ...to encourage each person to create "Value" for society, not just for themselves, to the extent that the intended recipients of that "Value" judges it to be valuable.
We teach (1) martial arts, (2) self defense, (3) fitness and health, and (4) proper assertiveness. Here is what they each mean to us:
1. Martial Arts
We do not view Martial Arts as a "competition" or a "sport", and we do not embrace it as such. As a part of our curriculum, we teach the history and culture of the various martial arts in the world, and the portions that we believe to be more effective for self defense.
Teaching the history and culture of various martial arts gives our students a greater understanding of what the world is doing, and understanding of others is a necessary prerequisite to our pledge "We pledge to promote international goodwill and strive for world peace". Furthermore, this gives our students a greater ability to compare their accomplishments with other martial arts schools around them (which is also why we have adopted an optional but traditional martial arts uniform and traditional belt colors for our style). We believe their ability to compare will enhance their appreciation of what we have, and the reasons we have it. This study also exposes us to differences of opinion regarding martial arts, so that we can embrace and extend those portions that we feel work well for us. We are not above learning from others.
2. Self Defense
Self defense training is necessary in order for us to be able to "defend and protect", as our mission statement requires. To do this, our focus must be on *practical* self defense. That means we do not teach swords, spears, nunchucks, or other weaponry that are not practical to carry in today's world.
3. Fitness and Health
You cannot promote world peace without first having peace within yourself. And you cannot have peace within yourself without fitness and health.
A man or woman spends 50 or 60 years gathering knowledge and know-how, and just when they have arrived at a time in their life when they could really produce, teach, instruct, and keep the younger ones from making the same mistakes they did, they up and die. Training in fitness and health help to stem that tragic loss.
4. Proper Assertiveness
A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a dangerous man that has the self control and self discipline to control his dangerous side, as well as the wisdom to know when to bring it out. In contrast, a bad man is a dangerous man without that discipline. This means that DISCIPLINE is the more important principle, followed by the training needed to be dangerous.