(OLD) Kicks - 2nd Set

5 kicks: Front, Side, Roundhouse, Hook, Rear (side kick thrown to the rear)




Front Kick:

The front kick can kick with the ball of foot, top of foot, or (less commonly) heel of foot.  Unless specifically specified otherwise, our school uses the ball of the foot, as they do above.

From either Offense (fighting stance) or Defense (switch), when we do the front kick "by the numbers", we break the kick into five distinct counts:

1. Turn
2. Knee up
3. Kick out (and kiyai)
4. Pull back
5. Step down



Side Kick:

By the numbers:
(1) turn,
(2) leg up,
(3) kick and kiyai (extending the hip, and standing foot turns 180 degrees)
(4) pull back
(5) step down





Round Kick:

By the numbers:
(1) turn,
(2) leg up,
(3) kick and kiyai (extending the hip, and standing foot turns 180 degrees)
(4) pull back
(5) step down


 (Moo Lim Do refers to this kick as the "Middle Kick")






Hook Kick:

By the numbers:
(1) turn,
(2) kick
(3) step down







Rear Side Kick:

This kick is not to be confused with a "back kick". It is a side kick behind you, to the rear.

By the numbers:
(1) step back,
(2) leg up,
(3) kick and kiyai (extending the hip, and standing foot turns 180 degrees)
(4) pull back
(5) step down